Monday, 25 March 2013

Who you calling a Ho!

First up, Saltash walk in centre to get Nan's leg re-dressed. Once we had exhausted the entertainment possibilities of all going in for a pee we resorted to seeing if there was any cache action nearby. Messed me trousers up jumping over a church wall (makes a change to actually find a Church micro) then scurried off to the drill hall cache. Turns out we ran straight past it. Was well chuffed to find a very cool trackable in there.. the Woody car. Failed miserably to find the Sidetracked cache. Ah, just checked the blog. It wasn't there. Been replaced now. Feel less useless now.

 Across the toll bridge into Plymouth. Parked in the Drakes Mall. Not just a cream tea for dinner in the M and S cafe. Chalkie managed to sniff out the Animal store. I was good. Then I found a Cotswolds. I was good. Disney Store... good. It's dull being good.

Once we had frozen solid we headed of to the Ho! Had a lost-ish drive around, then found a parking spot. Nan stayed in the car. Mum is obviously so used to me running off in the opposite direction after a cache that she didn't even realise I'd gone.

Drake's Island Geocache...

Didn't fancy a dip in the Lido today..

Playing with the different modes on the camera now.. Panorama..

Toy.. or miniature effect..


No idea where we ate, but we played cards in front of the fire... Chalkie has been practicing and is now a card shark able to deal himself amazing hands.. he had a World Record final hand take of 27p at Kings.

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