Saturday, 28 May 2016

Vodka tasting is my new sport

Intended to drive up straight from school. Didn't. Had to go home to see if post (taste card) had arrived, and to finish packing (late out of Go). In van in time for Muppets, then traffic OK so made it in time for tea. Went to second nearest pub. Started as we meant to go on with Heads Up. Mum was convinced Nan was playing too... first film was ELF (her initials) then we had her 'favourite .. Airplane. Massive pizza. Still not decided if I actually like Stilton. Definitely do not like the smell. Got to choose a room this time (chose poorly, squishy bed, changed next night). 

Up early for a Parkrun. Decided on the Sewerby one near Bridlington as it was on the cliff top path. The downhill bits were great but the uphills hurt my lungs! If I'd been at home I'd have stayed in bed coughing but didn't want to miss the opportunity for some Parkrun tourism. Pops came with me to get the obligatory knackered at the finish photo.

I thought my legs had fattened up a bit, but clearly not. Go on Sparrow!! 

Back to base for breakfast then out for Mum's choice... Malton for the food festival. Frequented by those with taste if the car park is anything to go by..

Quickly discovered that the art to enjoying food festivals is to try anything offered. Also discovered that if something offered is really nice then you can go round again later for another sample, just to make sure. In this way we had yummy caramelised sausages for dinner, washed down with three lots of toffee vodka (purchased on third taster) two of Rhucello, (purchased by Pops on first sniff) which consists of Rhubarb, sugar and alcohol. Only one taster of Gin and Tonic was required to discover that I think its bloody horrible. 

Mum following her nose... 

Tried some Espresso Stout while listening to the Brass Band. 

Sober enough to resist the sales technique of the vegetable slicer man. Just. Also had jam and coffee. And Maltesers from Ed, the self professed drunkest man in Malton. 

Tea break in the Mad Hatters Cafe to recover from all that eating and drinking. 

There we met the Drunk Octopus.. he was up for a fight.. 

Back to base briefly then found a pub through the Tastecard app. Nice meal for all, friendly place, and half price. Winner. 

In my defence I hadn't slept at all Friday night. I was reading and then.. 

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