Very frustrating day. Soon much time used up doing battle with technology.
Run. Ok, 30 mins at 13.1/13.2 6.575km.
Cleaned flat.. cleaned muddy shoes, washed up, cleaned kitchen, tidied desk, filed bank statements.
Finished ironing. Put mountain of clothes away.
Hoovered, put washing airer away, tidied. Had a valuation on the flat. The guy was cool. Spent half the time talking about Lego. Showed him my robot and the Wall-E video.
Then had to get down to the to do list.
Tried and failed to pay the crappy maintenance charges on the flat. Realised I can't because of the account switch. Emailed them that. See what they say.
Sent off CMA AGM forms.
Tried to send off forms to Santander. Needed to print them off. Printer doesn't work. Tried to fix it. Took about 9 hours. In the end after only getting the "fatal Error" lights every time it turned on (even though at one point it decided it was happy to copy the two documents as it didn't have to talk to a computer) yeah, in the end.. stick your fingers inside it, poke around till your hand is all inky, turn on again, magically fixed as though nothing had ever happened!! So at about 10pm I was able to walk down to the post box, having started at around 1:30.
Update Tom Tom. Again you'd think that would be simple. But no. Had to reinstall the software three times, ended up downloading a different version. Then it started off saying 1hr51 mins to update, then changed its mind to 3hr 53. Left the blooming thing to it.
Thought I'd feel better if I did some actual tidying. Started by having to get open office installed on laptop. Then decided it would take ages and that I would use an app (as I have my phone with me when I need to find out what I have already). Sooo. An hour or two later, I got the right version of the app on phone and iPad, had to delete all the previous work I'd done, but got them to synchronise over iCloud and both be up to date. On the plus side, it's dead quick to scan books in using barcodes, and the star wars ones make a lightsaber noise when they are found!!
So, this is all dusted thoroughly and scanned in. And some books put in a pile to be boxed in the loft. So the flat looks less cluttered for viewings !!!! HARHARHAR
So, back to computer.. Tom Tom eventually sorted, printer eventually sorted. Half price geocaching premium membership sorted, and profile updated to show counties. New geocaching challenge found.. Little Quest.. a cache in each county, then a final micro.
Entry to the Round Britain Rally applied for.
Accounts investigated to find that are in fact robbing me AND Mum blind. Grrr.
Book time.
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