Monday, 30 May 2016

Buzz bombs and Prefabs

Stared the day with Egg Banjos with the proper Bacon from the food festival, now that we had some tommy K. They were extra yummy. And extra explodey.

Chalkie's choice today. Eden Camp. It was a PoW camp in WW2 and is now a museum of domestic and military life from that era.

As usual in a museum we took ages reading everything. Some bits were horrible, like the hut that depicted a submarine under attack. Some bits were surprising. Like how big a V1 rocket was.. and how Chalkie told me that the RAF dealt with them, because you had to get really close to shoot them you'd just end up flying through the flack. Bad idea. So they used to get alongside them, then get their wingtip under that of the Doodlebug, and tip it. Messed with the gyro so it just crashed on its own. Genius.

Some bits were hilarious.. namely the Music Hall show. Puppets of Gracie Field, Vera Lynn and George Formby. And Sooty. And a squirt gun. Foreign visitors must marvel at how the English laugh at a puppet being chucked in the air, and will sing along with anything, even when mocked by a held up sign.

Mum's favourite bit was the prefab. Exactly as she remembered it (except the cladding outside) down to the cupboards in her bedroom that gave her nightmares.

Think this was the first gift shop.. slippery slope on the tea towels, mugs and pencils front! Best bit for photographs was at the exit.. a Spitfire and a Hurricane.

Was still fairly early so went to Pickering for a 'look' and to find a place to eat. Typically it turned into a Geocache wander in random directions. First was a multi at the church, which had a huge mural inside. I only got a picture of the bat gates. If I have a fence when I finally get a house I want bats on it..

Next was a Sidetracked cache. So furthering the trains theme (and possibly giving Mum the brilliant plan of a ride on the NYMR) we went to Pickering Station..

Then had a bit of a countryside stroll going for the next couple..

Could hear the train, but this was as close as we got to seeing it.

Then as we got back across the river we saw our first loco of the week..

And ended the walk with a tour of Pickering Castle..

Found a pub. Only good thing was playing Heads Up... but for aaaaages.

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