Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Santa's been!!!!

No hilarious incidents involving spilled wine this year, either at Sam's or at midnight mass. No wizards doing the gospel readings either.

 I must have been good this year.. Santa came!!! He must be really busy these days, he didn't even wait till I'd gone to sleep, but nipped in while I was brushing my teeth.

Santa visited someone else too!!

I didn't go to church this year.. was too hard last year, seeing everyone else married with kids. So joined folks visiting the crem and then Nan Leggett. Sherry is still horrid, but I wish I'd videoed her opening her big present.. her face when she opened the lid on 50 packs of quavers was hilarious!

The usual longer than predicted wait for dinner. Some more cheery than others!

Obligatory photo of Chalkie taking a photo of me taking a photo of him taking a...

I made these lovely ear-rings from the crackers..

Dinner over... finally... the presents!!!!!

Suprised I got anymore after I almost made Nan fall over when she came in for dinner, chucking the traditional ball of wrapping paper at her. Oops. Chalkie had dressed for the occasion!

So had I.

It was a gift. A very unexpected one. Saucer of milk? Anyways.. Ma and Pa very excited about their gift from me and Jon and Chalkie...  (Ma was swearing at it not 2 days later!)

Chalkie also excited about his gift?

 Turns out he was just amused as it was what he had got Jon..

 Bit of a theme to Nan's pressies..

These lot were all for Jon's family tomorrow.. no suprise it's such a massive pile..

All too much for Nan..

It's not Christmas without board games (or it looks like bored games in Nan's case)

Harley's one beer that lasts till New Years..

I still get ripped for being out drunk by a pregnant lady. I care not.

Santa really had been..

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