Sunday, 30 December 2012

Hemsby washed away

Sunday afternoon. Late up, going slightly stir crazy. Texted Chalkie to see if he was up for a bimble somewhere to get some caches. He said 'what no Hemsby?!'. So, guess where we went!

Started with a wander down the beach to assess the truth of the rumours that half of Hembsy had been washed away in the recent floods. The beach was very different, with a kind of step in the sand dunes. Erosion having a serious effect here these days. Me and Chalkie were attempting to be arty, ok, we were just playing with the modes on the cameras.. panoramic v cool.

No-one else was up for a game of American Football (well, Chalkie booting the ball way up in the air, we try to catch it without stinging hands or smacking face) so we needed a warm up.... off to Martin's!!!! Had to growl at Chalkie twice when I was only needing one number and he got Bingo. He had too much practice last summer. Had a lovely carvery in the Lacon Arms for tea. Moment of excitement when Ma ran back in from the car park for her forgotten handbag!

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