Saturday, 6 October 2012

Ride to the Wall

My cunning plan to get to the Northbound M1 worked, and I got to the services in plenty of time. Well, plenty of time to just get nervous! So many bikes and so much potential for doing something stupid and starting some chain reaction of bike domino disaster!

Bit dodgy getting onto the M1 (the Land Rover bully didn't help) but the ride itself was cool. Still get super excited when there is an unbroken line of bikes in front and behind as far as you can see. Laughed when I saw some pillions taking photos and videos.. that was me last time!

The pictures don't really give the true picture of just how many bikes were there..

They announced later that there were 15,000 people there, so there must have been at least 10k bikes I reckon!

Wandered round and eventually met the other CMAers there. You'd think the white cross would be easy to spot.. but not when everyone else is wearing a cut off too! Was absolutely lovely weather, gorgeous day, perfect to be out on the bike. The National Arboretum is a lovely place. Would like to come back on a quiet day to see it properly.

This was the coolest part of the service (although the Padre's joke about the squirrel's was hilarious)

Lovely ride home on bendy roads following Les. I must get braver at overtaking! Gladis even got a bath when we got home! Short nap needed to prepare for a night's babysitting Josh. Continued Bond Day by watching TND. Love the bike scene.

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