CMA Fellowship Meeting Report: The Station.
Displaying total commitment to the cause, forgoing sustenance even, Gillian Rudge arrives early at the meeting place and eagerly awaits the arrival of the other CMA members...
Displaying total commitment to the cause, forgoing sustenance even, Gillian Rudge arrives early at the meeting place and eagerly awaits the arrival of the other CMA members...
However, the agonising wait (and subsequent non appearance of anybody at all) has not been good for Gillian Rudge's mood..
Predictably late (although only by 2 mins), the arrival of Lego Harley does nothing to lighten this mood, and the attempt at joviality through deployment of the 'civil engineer' joke results in a violent outburst..
Finally Gillian Rudge's prayers are answered, and someone else turns up, bringing the grand total of CMA representatives to an awe inspiring three.
However, the newcomer instantly regrets the decision to leave the comfort of food and tv to share fellowship..
However, the newcomer instantly regrets the decision to leave the comfort of food and tv to share fellowship..
Starved for entertainment, company and actual food (due to the aforementioned lack of sausage rolls) Gillian Rudge has to fall back on her medical training (and ID) to distribute emergency supplies before malnutrition sets in..
- Gillian Rudge Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the cheek........
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