Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Getting there... slowly

The state of my desk was scandalous. I hadn't however, realised it had been so bad for so long. Until I found a photo from December 2013.

I think it had got worse over the next year.. (Nov 2014)

I think I said before that Rachel had very kindly given me a TV. And it would be lovely to have this on the desk instead of the completely non functioning PC. I vowed to NOT just put everything in a crate to sort out later, mainly because I still have 2 crates of school stuff almost a year later just occupying space on the kitchen floor. Shameful. So.. I foolishly thought that I would be able to clear the desk properly before Christmas, so asked Santa for a Fire TV. Silly me. I am now hoping that it's done before the end of January. However, stupid van insurance companies, and getting supply when not at Go (the latter is good!) are impeding progress somewhat.. but it is getting there..

Front bit clear (apart from stuff that's kinda allowed to be there)

Receipts (piles of) also gone. Good little bonfire post scanning..

Didn't go climbing today to save money and to have sorting time... but had to try to stop second insurance company cancelling cover instead. Sigh.

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