Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Longest ride yet.. to see JJ

May Day bank holiday, blagged Monday off, and this was the only weekend that Mr J was vaguely free. So.. Vicky came over Friday night and we stuffed ourselves full of yummy curry. Then fell asleep watching THX1138. No offence George, but it's just weird!

Saturday morning was up early, then left late, thanks to Top Gear and more curry, and being unable to get my head around only taking a small rucksack, rather than chucking tonnes of stuff in the back of the van. Even then I had to bungee another bag on the back.

Went the A47 route, which disappointingly is not really a dual carraigeway speedy route, and not really a single twisty country road. Was very pleased to have made it over 100 miles without stopping. I did wish I had put bigger gloves on though. Not the coldest I've been, but it's not nice being nippy for 3 hours. Still.. made it home no fuss, very happy to be riding a cool bike around Norfolk at last. Mum caught me in Nan's front garden introducing Gladis and Moby to each other!

Went straight to the city (well, Ma faffed a bit!) as we wanted to get to Stranger's Hall, before it shut this time! Well worth rushing. It was really nice to go around and see different eras and see how the house had been developed. No souvenir pencil though. And foolishly, no photos. Drat.

Strolled around a few shops after. Shockingly managed to go in the Animal store without purchasing! Got a Norfolk walks book thing in Jarrolds, then had fun in the toys department. Was looking at the minifigs when I was asked if I wanted help. I replied yeah, if you have x-ray vision then I'll have a Hippy to go in my campervan. He totally called me on it, and produced a pack from under the counter, which he made me open after purchase to prove he was right. And he was.

As usual Zaks was full, so on to Fatso's for tea. Yummy milkshake, possibly even better than Zaks'. Made Ma pay for her BBQ sauce tho! Then home and gave Gladis a bath. Was just finishing Jon's car when Pops came home from London. They'd all been to Highbury to watch Canaries draw 3 all with Arsenal. As usual, Ma won at Uno.

Lazed in bed reading for ages (Discworld novel). Eventually up, and beating Pops at table tennis, after scoffing yummy Egg Banjos. Texted Chalkie to try to arrange an afternoon out, luckily, as he informed us of the MotoGP race. Rossi did slightly better than terrible and Cal had another great ride.

Ranworth Broad was decided on as we were about to go past it. Avoided being charged £14 to look round the gardens! Arrived just in time for the Vicar to do a talk about the screen

Note Chalkie in his ski jacket.. and my reluctance to remove my new Beanie (Chalkie having a clear out ;-) ) which tells you about the weather in May this year.

Only me and Pops braved the heady heights...

Got a text from Chalkie while we were up there.. "in the cafe" .. then went on the boardwalk to the visitor centre. Its not actually possible to walk around this broad.

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