Saturday, 4 February 2012

He didn't land that

A trip on the train to London's Excel for the MCN show, hoping to see cool bikes and replace some of my cheap/naff/worn out kit. Turned out very successful on both fronts.

Met Pops and Chalkie in St Pancras station. I was going to say I'm not sure who was looking after who, but the phrase of the day was "Good job Trev's on the ball" so I think that answers that.

No HD stand but there were some lovely bikes. I think Chalkie wants a Triumph, or his old Suzuki back..

I (luckily) didn't see anything that tempted me away from the Gladius, although I do like the purple Street Triple.

Chalkie got his new Rossi gear, I replaced all my kit (huge thanks to Chalkie and Santa)  and had a few t shirt related accidents, Pops got helmet and jacket. Him parting with money must mean he is serious about doing his CBT!

The Revolution show was brilliant. My camera was not. Oh well. Seems good bikers never grow up. There was a lot of cheating and shoving each other into tyre walls going on from John McGuinnes, Chris Walker et al. The freestyle guys were awesome, although we discovered why the landing ramps had black curtains in front of them. As one guy disappeared behind them I said to Chalkie 'he didn't land that', well, he kind of did, but not with feet on pegs, more like nuts on tank. Ouch.

Lovely walk home as it had really started snowing by the time we caught our trains. Was beautiful going through Lufbra with that eerie orange glow and walking through deep (ish) fresh snow. Luckily my new gear wasn't too heavy and also luckily the guy that threw snowballs at me couldn't hit a barn door at three paces! Made a snow bumble before going upstairs

Then sat on my windowsill watching the snow.. and praying for the guy on the motorcycle that slowly slithered past! Snow always makes the world look amazing..

Oops.. lots of new stash...

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