The unofficial LEGO show at the ExCel in London... Everything was AWESOME!!!!
First (after Legoland competition entry and a free Aroo badge) was well over an hour at the Great Ball Contraption..
Then off to add to the mosaic... will have to get Pops a base plate and some 2x2s for Christmas, kept him quiet for a while :-)
Next was Brick City, all made by one guy. Loved the BMX racers at the Olympic Park.. St Pancras was Geek accurate.. including all the statues we could remember.. oh, and Spiderman and Zurg!
Lincoln Monument..
Westminster Abbey on Royal Wedding Day...
Next up, the Mindstorms stands, including the Guinness World Record Holder for Fastest Robot to solve a Rubiks Cube...
and then the trains...
Huge Star Wars models...
Hmmm makes my Walker look slightly pathetic..
I know its not a new idea, but I am sure than my brain can do this.. 2D I can cope with. I may start with this, but I want to make custom 2D mosaics...and see where it takes me, maybe I should start believing Ross that this is my area of talent that I should exploit..
No way I can be this creative in 3D..
Hmmm.. custom build of my campervan kit.. now there's an idea..
Back to the Future set..
I need to up my game with my pictures...
Baby Choo Choo.. reminds me of Monsal Dale..
Natural History Museum..
Tiny Death Star!!
Dr Who meets the Aliens... Oooooooooooh!
Clever, and kinda messes with your head..
Thunderbirds are GO!
Must do this..
Can we fit this into the West Wing?
Found him!
I want to do this..
Well, I can definitely make part of this..
Should have gone.. Menin Gate
Neat way of displaying minifigs..
Gonna do this with my Falcons one day..
Need to get creative with my minifigs..
Last thing of the day was shopping. I had hoped that there would be a proper Lego shop there, and I could get all my train bits for Christmas, having so carefully decided exactly what I wanted. Alas, there was only a Toys R Us. I had counted up my two pound coins the night before (to much mocking from Ash) so I knew how much I could blow hehe. Not a great deal of choice.. no train stuff whatsoever, and not a lot of SW. Very nearly bought Benny's Spaceship, but was having a guilt trip about it, as it was not something I'd really been after. Then got talked into buying something twice as much completely on impulse, just because it was the coolest thing there, and there was a very good reason to buy it right there and then...
Also got the base plate that will form the basis of Bumblebee's table.. alas no Pick a Brick..