Tuesday, 27 September 2011


An absolutely lovely day so finished school then collected bike from Twiggers. Not sure how changing the oil and adjusting the brakes is worth a hundred quid. I fear I will be attempting to do it myself in future. Anyway. Went for a ride in search of an ice cream. Found one at Bradgate Park. Was amazing. The deer had infiltrated the human side of the park. One crossed the river 2m from me while I was sat scoffing my 99 flake!

This one badgered this poor lady for her duck bread. Amazed they are that brave, almost stole in from her hand.

God did a really brilliant job with creation didn't he. Especially how beautiful evening sunlight makes things.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Long time coming

Twenty years after first being in Matlock Bath, buying a Harley t-shirt and dreaming of the day I would ride there.. I did it. Although it was only on a pokey 125 and only because the CBT Plus instructor made me go there. So really it's not quite the dream, but I'm much closer now.

Also finished the Bible in One Year today.. Yay!! Or more accurately Bible in a year and two weeks. Can't face starting over, so I'll study Mark for a bit.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Not far but still away

Done my chores. Was fed up. Am knackered and foot hurts from this morning's long run. Well technically from walking from bed to the loo before the run but...
So, drove to Outwoods. Am sat in the van finishing to kill a mockingbird. Would be drinking hot chocolate but my flask has gone AWOL. Never mind. I'm out. Ish.

...Hmmmm. Just got hailed on. 

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Yes Josh, it's a land made of Lego

It was a good half hour before he believed me! The journey was not what I'm used to. I like singing loud to Radio 2. Josh likes talking and messing up my stereo by playing with the buttons. Things got better when he followed my suggestion to use my fleece like a tent so he could see the screen on his game. I'm glad I had done my 2 hour tour of miniland taking photos a few weeks ago, as Josh wasn't interested at all. However, this time I was allowed on all the rides!!! The tower you pull yourself up was cool.. shame I didn't think to take the camera on it. We spent ages making towers with Duplo that could withstand an earthquake, and fighting other children for the limited supply of wheels in order to drag race vehicles of variable design and speed or lack thereof. I may have to copy their idea for coat pegs...

 We also did the Fire Engine thing (v tiring if you have to do all the pumping on your own). Negotiated lunch then Josh was too honest to go the Driving School so went on the Hill Train down to Atlantis. Scary sharks!!!

 Josh's face at the end of the Dragon ride in Knight's Kingdom was a picture!! Mixture of scared and again! Then we had a moment on the Rat run.. I got stuck in a tunnel by my rucksack.

I thought I was champion nibbler, but Josh managed to make his tub of candy floss last all afternoon..

Avoided the only rain of the day while in the Big Shop. Had to explain to Josh that when you are a grown up you have to go to work, and then you can buy your own Lego, and are allowed more than one small thing (hehe). Had to run over to the arena for the Monster Truck show.. they were very noisy. The coolest bit was the Tug of War.. where they ripped an old Renault in half haha.

 Plan to tire out Josh completely failed. It was only me that was in any danger of falling asleep on the way home. Hopefully has now learned from experience that sometimes grown ups give good advice. He DID lose bits of his Lego Harry Potter set because he opened it in the van. He told me tonight (Tues, babysitting) that a bit really did go up his bottom, but he must have poo-ed it out as he does big poos. Nice.